A comprehensive framework for a graduated response to ensure early identification and intervention, especially for learners with dyslexia or dyslexic tendencies, but also for other SENDs. A must-have addition to any dyslexia teacher's resource cupboard. By SEND advisor Beccie Hawes. FORMATTED FOR A4 PAPER: PLEASE SET YOUR PRINTER TO "FIT TO PAGE" BEFORE PRINTING.
Detailed toolkits for waves one, two and three - one-to-one interventions to whole class inclusion. Activities and approaches for “busting barriers to learning” in reading, spelling and writing for children with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. "Getting it Right for Dyslexic Learners" was written for UK settings, but is full of transferable tips and approaches for any teaching situation in the USA or elsewhere in the English-speaking world.
Packed with professional expertise, the Complete Toolkit will leave no dyslexic learner’s needs unmet. It includes:
- Issue - initiative - impact models
- Separate toolkits for all three waves
- Personalised survival kits
- Identifying barriers to learning
- Tips for pre-teaching
- Tracking and monitoring tools
- The identification process
- Phonological awareness check
- SMART targets
- Teaching phonics
- Metacognition skills
- The “pupil passport”
- The learning environment
- Using scaffolds
- Transferring back to the classroom
- Recommended resources
- ...and lots, lots more!
Beccie is an inclusion service leader and sought-after conference speaker in the UK